This is not a supported architecture, and for normal operations, the CDC Management Console would be installed on a separate workstation. 这个架构是不受支持的,对于常规的操作,CDCManagementConsole应该安装在一个独立的工作站中。
This environment is composed of a number of development workstations ( one for each developer), a source code management ( SCM) tool, and an integration workstation. 这个开发环境由许多开发工作站(每个开发人员一台)、一个源码管理工具(SCM)工具和集成工作站组成。
The inventory management application receives the request from the workstation, but cannot successfully process the request, and the database operation to update the number of parts in stock fails. 库存管理应用程序从工作站收到该请求,但无法成功处理它,而且更新存货中零件数的数据库操作也将失败。
The paper briefly introduces the development of the Express System, which includes the Project and Data Management, the Seismic Interpretation, the Log Interpretation and the Geology Mapping in Solaris environment on Sun UltraSPARC Workstation. 作者在本文中阐述了在Sun工作站上研制开发的油气藏综合解释系统(Express),它主要包括工区及数据管理、地震解释、测井解释和地质绘图等四部分。
Novel and secure dynamic identification system comprises electrical tokens, a secure identification server, a management workstation and application Programming Interface. Electron Cooling purchasing electronic etc. 新颖、安全的动态身份认证系统主要由电子令牌、安全认证服务器、管理工作站、认证服务接口函数等组成。
TMN implements the management and control functions by using a workstation, include fault analysis, fault location and the performance analysis of the whole network. 电信网络管理系统是通过一个网管工作站实现对互连的电信网络实施各种管理和控制,包括全网故障分析和故障定位、全网性能综合分析等功能。
The Intelligent Management for Login of Non-disk Workstation in NOVELL Local Area Network NOVELL局域网无盘工作站的智能化上网管理
O2S is an object oriented engineering database management system being developed on Sun Workstation. O2S是我们在SUN工作站上正开发的一面向对象工程数据库管理系统。
Management and Maintenance of Network Workstation in Hospital 医院网络工作站管理和维护
The data management of the log material handle interpretation workstation 测井资料处理解释工作站上的数据管理
This paper introduces the multiple project wafer ( MPW) service and the management and maintenance of workstation for MPW. 介绍了集成电路(IC)的多项目晶圆(MPW)服务及面向MPW服务的工作站管理与维护。
BACnet workstation is the software system to manage BACnet building automation network and trend management and schedule management also become two main functional subsystem of workstation. BACnet系统操作员工作站是管理BACnet楼宇自控网络的软件系统,所以趋势管理和日程管理也就成为工作站的两个主要的功能子系统。
System Software of a μ P-Based Telecontrol Equipment for Master Station A Information management system software based on graphical user interface which is programmed with Visual C++ 6.0 is installed on the workstation. 该系统由配电变压器数据采集装置和数据分析工作站组成,其中的数据分析工作站配备有应用Visualc++6.0开发的图形化后台信息管理系统软件。
The human computer interface in cutter flow system is analyzed according as cutting tool management workstation interfaces. 以刀具管理工作站界面分析了刀具流系统的人机协同;
Conclusion Now, the management of out-patient service is quality and high ability, so out-patient doctor workstation is very convenient to patient and employee in hospital, because realization of out-patient doctor workstation and digitized management of out-patient service. 结论通过对门急诊管理数字化的应用及门诊医生工作站的实施,使得目前的门诊医疗模式更加优质、高效,极大地方便了病人和医务工作者。
Information Management System Based on COM+ for Clinic Doctors 'Workstation 基于COM+的门诊医生工作站信息管理系统
At first this paper gives an introduction to the development of intelligent buildings and the bring of BACnet, and inducts the project of design of alarm management software for BACnet workstation. 本文首先介绍了智能建筑的发展和BACnet的产生,引出了智能建筑自控网报警功能软件的设计与实现这一课题。
Some device status information and product information in ARCNET are needed for management information system, so data on ARCNET are required to be collected to workstation based on Ethernet. ARCNET网上的一些设备状态信息、生产信息需要提供给上层管理信息系统,这就需要把ARCNET网上的数据采集到基于以太网的工作站上。
Management and Practice in Training of Workstation Directors 作业长培训的管理与实践
To counter the problem lying in manufacture system management of enterprise, this paper puts forward "Green workstation Management" ( GWM), combining Total Quality Control ( TQC) with actural production. 针对企业中制造系统管理存在的问题,把全面质量管理与实际生产相结合,提出了绿色工位管理方式。
Study on the Design and Management of VDT Workstation VDT作业空间的设计研究
Based on thorough the requirement analysis, system analysis, software design and development, unit and integrated testing, and on-site running, the system successfully realizes the reasonable monitoring and management function for the web surfing activity on each workstation in LAN. 并结合需求分析、系统分析、程序开发、模拟测试及现场运行达到了对局域网各工作站上网行为的合理监控及管理。
The driver software of peripheral device and the management software to implement function of workstation are included in software design based on uClinux. 我们选择其作为我们的操作系统并在uClinux基础上实现了外围扩展设备的驱动软件以及网关功能的管理软件。
In migrating workflow system that based on the mobile computing paradigm, the three elements were migrating workflow management engine 、 migrating instance and workstation. 基于移动计算范型的迁移工作流系统包括工作流引擎、迁移实例和工作位置三个要素。
The business function of the basic diagnosis and treatment module implement four functions, information initialization, drug management, outpatient and physician workstation. 基本诊疗模块的业务功能设计实现了信息初始化、药品管理、门诊和医生工作站四部分。
Ethernet is used for system management, cataloguing and access of retrieval workstation, while the cataloguing and retrieval workstation will be able to visit and browse low resolution stream data through Ethernet to realize the cataloguing and retrieving of data and materials. 以太网用于系统管理和编目、检索工作站的接入,编目检索工作站通过以太网访问和浏览低码流数据,实现对数据、素材的编目检索。